The Little Boy (I couldn’t believe what I heard)

What if you were told that you could never get a ride EVER again with the bus that took you to church on a bright Sunday morning?


How disappointing it was to hear about a little 7 year old boy who had been taking the bus to Sunday school every Sunday. You see this little boy has been taking this same bus to Sunday School for over a year, every since him and his little sister moved in with their grandmother.

This little boy always gets up early every Sunday morning just so he would make sure he and his little sister wouldn’t miss the church bus. He loves Sunday school and wants so much to learn more and more about Jesus.

He’s always talking about how Jesus helps his family and how Jesus gives them a roof over their head and food on the table. He loves his grandmother and is thankful for her taking him and his little sister in.

So the little boy was so excited when they knocked on the door to pick him up. But you see this knock wasn’t the same knock that he had heard for so many Sundays before. To his dismay, he was informed that he was not going to be picked up anymore because they have to pick up somebody else now.

The little boy ran to his room and cried for about 2 hours. He asked his grandmother why they were they being so mean? He couldn’t understand why Jesus wouldn’t let him go to Sunday school? His grandmother told him that it wasn’t Jesus who wouldn’t let him go to Sunday school. It was the bus driver.

The grandmother hugged him and told him that Jesus still loved him and that he would need to pray for the bus driver. He wiped his face and said OK and then they stood together and prayed for the bus driver.

After the prayer was done, the little boy smile and said YES! Jesus does love me and I can’t wait till next Sunday..

I hope that today’s blog helps you in your conquest to get your children/grand kids to know the Jesus that this little boy so much loves.

The Bible says: Love one another as he loves us!
Till Next Time:
Lace Tomus

The Best Fruit I Ever

I want to share with you about the BEST fruit EVER,Image
When I lived in Arizona, (which was most of my life) I didn’t eat a lot of fruit because it didn’t have the sweet taste like fruit should have. Then I Moved To Texas, I began to do some shopping at a local Super market (HEB they call it) I began to realize that the taste of the fruit here in Texas was and is NOT like another place in the USA that could hold a candle to. Man you talk about SWEET,

Has the sweetest, most delicious fruit I have ever tasted. The rich color and flavor of the strawberries are unreal. I had some fruit again last night (actually I try to eat some fruit everyday) and you talk about wanting to eat pounds of it. WOW I said to myself, I need to stop because if I didn’t I will have to pee all night long L.O.L.

Anyways Back To It,
As I said Texas has the best fruit I have ever tasted. I could not believe what I was tasting. It was like a lightening bolt hitting my taste buds like crazy. If I ever move from here I WILL miss it with everything I have inside my body.

Not To Long Ago,
I was in Florida and never tasted the fruit like Texas has. I did eat a couple of those Florida oranges. They were so sour I hardly got it down. I know for sure there is nothing compares to the fruit in Texas.

If you ever come to Texas, stop by one of the Texas HEB stores and get the BEST fruit you can find on the planet.

Take my word for it! The strawberries and the oranges are the best and the sweetest…….

Peace be unto you on this day!
Lace Tomus


In this “Life Of A Preachers Daughter” Blog
I want to talk about “PEACE”Image

Have you ever heard the song in which “Elvis Presley” sang called, “Peace in the valley”

It starts off by saying >>>
I’m so tired and weary but I must go along (meaning I must go on)


Do you have peace,, peace of mind? 
Do you wonder daily how you are going to pay your monthly bills?
Do you have a strategy? 
Do you need a different strategy?  Well I’ve got the “peace” right here for you!

In my younger years
I used to have all of the “Elvis Presley” Record albums. You know those big round record albums! Back then, the only thing we could get was a cassette tape and or a VHS. Now days almost everything is going digital.  Downloads to the galore for all the world to GET, GET, GET,,,,,,,.

It’s hard to say what the future is going to bring us,
Not knowing we get the unknown, the un-sure feeling, so sometimes we feel the PANIC of what the future has in store for us.  Not knowing what might or might not happen so,we try to scramble around pinching pennies trying to gather enough to pay for the bills we know are coming up or is due at certain moment.

Most of us pay our rent on the 1st of the month, THEN,,
It’s the lights, gas, water, trash, car payment, food, schooling, clothes, medicals and on and on and on…….


WOW! That sounds overwhelming.  
You know I never sat down and really thought about it.  All those long hours of working at dead end job which would surely in the long run slow my body down to where I couldn’t function like I use to and in our subconscious minds we know that we have to pay these things to get us through that month. Then yet again, that 30 days goes by and you have to do it all over again and again and again,,,,,,,,,,


WOW!  Talk about not having any “peace” at all right?

Why not try something that you’ve never tried before and get some Peace back in your life.

Like I alway say,,,,   YOU CAN DO IT!

So click! and let’s get YOU some 100% FREE “Peace”

Again, THANK YOU! for reading my “Life Of A Preachers Daughter” Blog.

God Bless YOU and our Nation!

Lace Tomus


My Morning

For todays “Life Of A Preachers Daughter” Blog, I want to share with you my morning,

ImageWaking Up,
This morning usually saying a prayer and thanking God for this Blessed day that he has given me. Instead I thought of Pepsi. 

Years ago,
I used to drink ALOT of Pepsi and now wish I hadn’t. While drinking it I found
it was refreshing.

As Some Of You Know Me In The Mornings,
I get up and sing real loud to wake everyone up in the house. and being a songwriter, I began to write a song about Pepsi. It didn’t take long to realize that I was done with the song in a madder of minutes.

That being said,
I think I will record it as an acoustic song. Kinda funny as well. Depending on your sense of humor on things.


The song is entitled “Living On Pepsi”  I will have it available as soon as I can get it down and as I only know 3 chords so far, It won’t be a perfect song. LOL

Thanks for reading todays “Life Of A Preachers Daughter” Blog.

Lace Tomus

To do business with me go here




In this “Life Of A Preachers Daughter” Blog I want to share with you about my ups and downs about the true God. Have you Faith? Do you know who God-Jesus is? Image

When I was real young probably around three years old, I remember being introduced to God as my savior. God was introduced to me as “THE ONE AND ONLY TRUE GOD” and that there was no other.

Now the bible states “I AND MY FATHER ARE ONE”
as I grew older I began to ask questions about other religions that were out there. I discovered there were lots more to learn. Then in my later years, I was told there were three (“the Father” “The Son” and The Holy Spirit”)  Huh! What? What is happening (I asked myself). Do I not know who God is? Why am I feeling so separated from what I was taught all these years?


When I was around five years old,
this evangelist family called “The Spears Family” who came to our home church held a revival. I was then baptized in “Jesus Name” with all my brothers and sisters. If you don’t know the religion, It was whom they called “The Holly Roller” People.  

it is not as strong as the Holy rollers with the snakes and all but, we were the ones whom did a lot of what they call “Speaking In Tongues”  people. This church in short is (“The UPC Church”) which stands for (“The United Pentecostal Church”).

I have three other sisters,
they never had long hair but for me, I had real long hair. If you know of the Country singer Crystal Gayle then you know how my hair was. This religion does not allow woman to cut their hair. We were spectated from boys in the church where the boys sat on one side and the girls on the left. When going swimming there were no suits allowed. No swimming with boys. Once I remember waring shorts to swim but only while swimming and never outside of the closed swimming area. Closed to the outside world. We could never ware pants. We always had to ware dresses. I remember one day at school where I was called granny (just for waring dresses all the time) from this particular boy. He was the only boy who always pulled my hair.

I remember
sitting in front of him in class and him throwing gum in my hair. I remember having to go home and for the first time in my life having my mother put the scissors to my hair. I think that day she might have cried for the first time for me because she had to do it in which she knew it had to be done even though my heart was breaking. It took several months for it to grow back as my hair always grew fast just like hers does.

Years later, Around 22
I got out of “The UPC” church started becoming like everyone else, waring pants, shorts, bathing suits, and going to the movies (Might I add that Movies and Television was out of the question).

I spent some time exploring other religions. So I thought I’d try some other religion. I started going to “The Assembly Of God” church where I was taught about “The Father” , “The Son” and “The Holy spirit”. By then I was so confused about God and Jesus that I began to wonder if I really was headed for Heaven! I began to doubt my faith in God. I began to ask myself who is God? Who is Jesus? Anyway, I stayed in “The Assembly Of God” church for about five years and then stopped going.

After a while
I was then introduced to The Mormon faith. I was taught and baptized again in their faith hoping that I would finally find my way (THE RIGHT WAY) I stayed there for about five months and felt so out of place that I just gave up on going to church to church all together.

To this day I am still confused, still don’t know which religion is “THE RIGHT ONE”  all I know is that I am doing my best to walk on the right path that has been planned out for me.

*I hope that for day is blessed and I hope that you enjoyed reading “Life Of A Preachers Daughter” Blog for today*

Peace and may God richly bless your day,
Lace Tomus

100% Free Music

If you want to see whats new with me click here: 


Life Of a Preachers Daughter Blog-The Reasons Why,

 The reason this Preachers Daughter joined Empower Network, Image
is because I was tired of all the gimmicks that I had tried and wanted
to have something to show for my future. I wanted something different.

I had a hard job working 5-6 days a weeks. All that heavy lifting was more then I could take at times. I needed a change! I wanted a change! Somehow I had to find a better way to live and survive.

I am a Indie artist
needing help in get people to know me and maybe find a connection with me but not just that, I want the world to know that I am ME. Not just someone who don’t count in this big wide world of ours. Being me was a hard lesson to learn as I was doing what I had to survive. I had been in the work force since I was 22 and never known any other job then the hard survival job I was in, other than music.

I was at my wits end
then one day I was introduced to Empower Network.  I am a newbie to Empower Network. I want to make a difference in my life and as time goes on, I hope that you will want to get to know me and connect with me.

I hope that I will see you sometime in the future at one of the live events 2014. So, If you see me come up and introduce yourself. I would love to hear your story.

I am so excited!
Click here:

Peace and May God Bless Your Day!

Lace Tomus



Life Of a Preachers Daughter Blog-Faith In Yourself

I was watching a show last night called 20 Feet From Stardom.
It was about backup singers who had sung with the big stars out there.
Backup singers are the most Important thing when it comes to the entertainers out there.
They are just as important as the singer themselves.

Did you know that 
99% of them are Preachers Daughters.
I am a Preachers daughter but was never like they were. The only difference between them and me, They had support from their parent. ME, not so much.

I am here to tell you,
it doesn’t matter what they say about your singing. If you think and know that you can sing, you should express your talents and never let anyone tell you that you can’t do it or that your not good enough.
I was one of the statics who was told, You aren’t as good as,,,,,,,,You’ll never be like,,,,  You’ll never be better than,,,,, Came from a family member whom I think never had faith in me in the first place, made me doubt myself all these years. Being told you are, then you’ll never be as good as,,, or be like,, or better than,,, is the hardest thing to handle for someone growing up whom just wanted to sing on stage and get the notice that she so desperately needed and wanted. I wanted to be different then all those other singers out there. Yeah growing up I would sing in the Gospel realm but It turns out that it was only for the family.

I want to add,

even though I was in the Gospel realm, I never got to do what my heart so longed to do which was sing for millions. I was one of those girls who wanted to be there on that Grand “Ol Opry  stage singing to you folks out there. Not getting to fulfill my heart of dreams makes me wonder how many young people out there whom have the talent and their parent holds them back from achieving what God wanted for their life. Maybe your not so young anymore and you do have the talent inside you. Never give up! It’s gonna be OK. Just keep the faith!

Looking Forward,
I was amazed how great of singers they are. I learned a lot and did a lot of soul searching. I am now looking forward to a better future and hope to sing for you all someday out there.

Just so you know,

I am loving everyday of my life and am not bitter any more toward that family member as it is not for me to judge. Only God is their judge. This is ONLY my Life Of a Preachers Daughter Story.

Thanks again for reading Life Of a Preachers Daughter Blog.
Peace be with you and may God keep his hand on you and my country.

For music go here

Lace Tomus


Life Of a Preachers Daughter-My Blonde Moment

I want to share with you,Image
The funnest thing that happened this morning.  

Have you heard of the saying, It’s The Bottle?  

Well, here goes,
I went out to get into my car to go to the corner store to get my iced tea just like I do almost every morning,

I thought I was getting into the drivers seat, oh NO! not today folks!
I don’t know what I was thinking but instead of opening the drivers door to get in, I unlocked the passenger side door and stepped into My Blonde Moment. I actually got in,,, sat there for a second and then realized I was in the wrong seat to drive.

Just so you know,
I laughed so hard at myself for doing such a thing like that.

I will never forget that as long as I live.
Chalk it up to DUH! It’s the Blonde in me!

And THAT folks was My Blonde Moment for the day.  

Have you ever had a Blonde Moment?

Thanks again,
for reading my Life Of a Preachers Daughter Blog for today!

100% Free Moments

Lace Tomus