This is Lili. She’s a Female Chihuahua. lillie
She is a beautiful little baby. 

When I first saw her she was so scared as most dogs are when they don’t know who you are. She was so cute, with her little face and BIG ears! I think they call her breed (apple head) Chihuahua. She was given to me while we were living in ArizonaFor the last 3 years she has traveled with us. She loves to ride in cars which I’m so happy about. She very obedient. Stays right by my side although she has took off to the car a couple of times cause she thought that she was going for a ride…. She is about 4 in this pic/2013


Lilli’s Illness,
Couple of weeks after arriving here to Texas she became ill. We couldn’t figure out why she wasn’t blinking. We started taking her to the vet where test after test they finally figured out what it was.
(Besides developing pneumonia) she developed a rare disease where her eyes would always stay open. 

Lillie’s Prognosis,
After the progress of getting the meds for her, she is now doing better and is expected to live a long time.

On A Happier note:

Funny thing is,
when I can get her to sing along with me sometimes she keeps on singing and she does it for a min. or so to where I have to tell her thats ok you don’t have to keep singing. It makes me laugh real hard.
I don’t know if it hurts her ears so I try not to sing in the tone that makes her sing along too.

She is the best dog and is very loving. 

If you have a pet,
love them and make everyday a great place for them to call home.
Just like you love them, they love you too!

And So,
Now that I got my little story out to you about my little Lili,
I want to tell you of a “3 Step simple system” that was introduced to me.
NOW I am introducing this “3 Step simple system” to you
This is where I go to make extra money to pay for the Medicines for Lilli’s needs.
 I did this “3 Step simple system”  and now I can pay for things that I need like food,
paying my bills, gas for my car, and anything else I want to spend or not spend.
Maybe just to save it is what I want to do. Lord only knows how hard it is not to have
the things in life that matter most to us.

When you get “ALL IN”  like we call it, you can earn as much $10,000 a month or more depending on your determination. So make a fresh start with me. Go and fill in your email address and do the ” 3 Step Simple system” and let us show you how you can earn extra cash.

Peace and love,


Lace Tomus

Live long and prosper!